Black Iris
� Black Iris

Black Iris
4:38 p.m.

I should update while I'm near the front,someone will rudely push me back any minute now! I need to become more pushy, I think. These people inside run over me like a steam roller. How did I get stuck in here with these people so different from me?

I do believe I was slated to be born to a different body, one that belongs to only me, but somehow, either I did something wrong, or maybe it was the stork's fault, but someone screwed up ;)

These people inside of my head are completely nuts! One tried to get us struck by lightening! It was a good thing Sunna appeared right when she did, she brought us inside to safety!

It was scarily close. Just as Sunna took over lightening hit so very close as to make our hair electrical!


I am dead.

<<--/ -->>/ contact/ dead

update - 12-06-04
Errand - 12-31-03
Hunger - 11-15-03
Let us destroy YOUR computer, ASSHOLE! - 06-21-03
A Walk Through Fire - 06-18-03

moon phases

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Sign, Bitch!

Moonstorm Paradox
Dark Corners
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