Black Iris
� Black Iris

Black Iris
1:58 p.m.

In the search for myself I have learned a very important truth...that what others think of me doesn't make a rats ass! Makes no difference if others approve of me or not! It's me who must approve of me! If someone doesn't like me or agree with me.... well, that is their problem... not mine ;~)

And I like me a lot!

And THAT is what matters the most :)

I am dead.

<<--/ -->>/ contact/ dead

update - 12-06-04
Errand - 12-31-03
Hunger - 11-15-03
Let us destroy YOUR computer, ASSHOLE! - 06-21-03
A Walk Through Fire - 06-18-03

moon phases

hosted by

Sign, Bitch!

Moonstorm Paradox
Dark Corners
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