Black Iris
� Black Iris

Black Iris
7:09 a.m.

No one knows what happened to Iris . I have lil Iris here with me but she's a little bitty thing , nothing like Iris really . She comes from her though . She's super shy . Iris was shy she just pretended not to care what people thought , but she did , very much .

All the Iris's are super shy come to think of it , they are kinda like gypsies in a way . They move from here to there a lot in the inner world . Actually the inner world is where most of them stay . Only Iris n lil Iris ventured into this existence .

Their world is dark . It's quite a bit different from what we know . I'm not sure I could put it into words .

But they say Iris isn't in our inner world either .

The Iris's are lost without her . They are all mourning her . They think in their heads only Iris is capable of loving them . They don't trust us . Don't know why . We love them !

Iris , they are still pulling away from us , your leaving has not slowed that . Soon they will _just leave_ , it's coming , they are weeding us away , like a dead branch . It hurts my heart .

Please come back !

I am dead.

<<--/ -->>/ contact/ dead

update - 12-06-04
Errand - 12-31-03
Hunger - 11-15-03
Let us destroy YOUR computer, ASSHOLE! - 06-21-03
A Walk Through Fire - 06-18-03

moon phases

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Sign, Bitch!

Moonstorm Paradox
Dark Corners
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